Repertoire of words
Repertoire of words

It forms all or part of: ante-partum apparatus apparel biparous disparate emperor empire heifer imperative imperator imperial juniper multiparous nulliparous oviparous para- (2) "defense, protection against that which protects from " Parabellum parachute parade parados parapet parasol pare parent -parous parry parturient poor post-partum preparation prepare primipara puerperal rampart repair (v.1) "to mend, put back in order " repertory separate sever several spar (v.) viper vituperation viviparous. *perə-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to produce, procure" and yielding and derived words in diverse senses possibly related to *pere- (2) "to grant, allot." The dieresis is not used over other vowels than e when re is prefixed : thus, reinforce, reunite, reabolish. The hyphen is also sometimes used to bring out emphatically the sense of repetition or iteration : as, sung and re-sung. or else the second e has a dieresis over it: as, reëstablish, reëmbark, etc. Prefixed to a word beginning with e, re- is separated by a hyphen, as re-establish, re-estate, re-edify, etc.

repertoire of words

It was used from Middle English in forming words from Germanic as well as Latin elements ( rebuild, refill, reset, rewrite), and was used so even in Old French ( regret, regard, reward, etc.). In a few words it is reduced to r-, as in ransom (a doublet of redemption), rampart, etc. recomfort (v.) "to comfort, console encourage " recourse (n.) "a process, way, course." Recover in Middle English also could mean "obtain, win" (happiness, a kingdom, etc.) with no notion of getting something back, also "gain the upper hand, overcome arrive at " also consider the legal sense of recovery as "obtain (property) by judgment or legal proceedings."Īnd, due to sound changes and accent shifts, re- sometimes entirely loses its identity as a prefix ( rebel, relic, remnant, restive, rest (n.2) "remainder," rally (v.1) "bring together"). There seem to have been more such words in Middle English than after, e.g. Often merely intensive, and in many of the older borrowings from French and Latin the precise sense of re- is forgotten, lost in secondary senses, or weakened beyond recognition, so that it has no apparent semantic content ( receive, recommend, recover, reduce, recreate, refer, religion, remain, request, require). OED writes that it is "impossible to attempt a complete record of all the forms resulting from its use," and adds that "The number of these is practically infinite. The many meanings in the notion of "back" give re- its broad sense-range: "a turning back opposition restoration to a former state "transition to an opposite state." From the extended senses in "again," re- becomes "repetition of an action," and in this sense it is extremely common as a formative element in English, applicable to any verb. In some English words from French and Italian re- appears as ra- and the following consonant is often doubled (see rally (v.1)). In earliest Latin the prefix became red- before vowels and h-, a form preserved in redact, redeem, redolent, redundant, redintegrate, and, in disguise, render (v.). Watkins (2000) describes this as a "Latin combining form conceivably from Indo-European *wret-, metathetical variant of *wert- "to turn." De Vaan says the "only acceptable etymology" for it is a 2004 explanation which reconstructs a root in PIE *ure "back." 1200, from Old French re- and directly from Latin re- an inseparable prefix meaning "again back anew, against." This is very useful for figuring out where widgets are and where your mouse is, for example.Word-forming element meaning "back, back from, back to the original place " also "again, anew, once more," also conveying the notion of "undoing" or "backward," etc. Ui_debughoverwidget |This is a cvar that, when set to true, will display information about what UI widget is selected and where it is and what its parents are. If no is supplied, it will list all commands.

repertoire of words repertoire of words

Luafunctions |Lists all Lua functions that exist that have names that match against. Uicmdlist |Lists all uiscript functions that exist that have names that match against.

repertoire of words

If no is supplied, it will list all triggers.Ĭmdlist |Lists all Console Commands that exist that have names that match against. Uitriggerlist |Lists all UI Triggers that exist that have names that match against. Cvarlist | Lists the console cvars (console variables)

Repertoire of words